The Belgrave and
Lilydale lines
aren’t working

Last year, peak hour on-time performance on the Belgrave line was so bad that almost one-in-five services were delayed by more than five minutes – the second-worst result on the entire network.

And if you’ve ever been on a packed train home with barely enough room to breathe, that’s probably because the Belgrave and Lilydale lines had the equal highest number of overcrowded or ‘crush load’ services on the entire network last year.

Every day, commuters on the Belgrave and Lilydale lines deal with train services that aren’t up to scratch.

We have a plan, and a campaign to fix it, but we need your help.

We need your help to get it fixed

Want a better commute? You can be part of making it happen.

If we’re going to convince politicians to take action, we need to show them this project matters to voters.

Adding your voice to the campaign is quick, easy and shows politicians that commuters on the Belgrave and Lilydale lines won’t be ignored at this year’s election.

Join the campaign below – we’ll keep you updated on what we’re up to, and let you know how you can help!